Business Services

For industries and distributors Venrecicla offers an Integrated Solid Waste Management service, which allows these companies to dispose of their waste in an environmentally responsible manner and with a single partner.
To this effect after a phase of diagnosis and assessment of the waste streams, Venrecicla delivers a proposal for a comprehensive package for waste disposal. This typically involves both positive value (purchase of materials) as well requiring a provision for the service (diposal-cost).
The waste handled can be plastics, cardboard and paper, rubber, scrap (metal and electronic), wooden pallets and others.
Premise for the waste-handling operations is absolute compliance with internal industrial safety and hygienic regulations of the customer.
Venrecicla offers its customers various logistic solutions, either with waste-collections directly from their production lines / points of generation, or from their waste yard, in each case allowing an efficient, fast and safe process.
Additionally, Venrecicla offers customers recycling programs for waste generated within their offices.
For the disposal of waste the 4R Tree is always applied and duly certified.
Venrecicla has all the required environmental permits required to manage the aforementioned waste (amongst them RASDA, MARN, IMAUBAR).
The service includes monthly generation of detailed statistical reports of the collected waste, with their respective values.
Several of the principle multinationals in Venezuela, as well as many medium and small industries are among Venrecicla's valued customers.